

Welcome to Troop 186!

Troop 186 members that need an ID/password to access the photo albums and all the goodies on this site, please email your request to:  


You can use the same contact if you need your password reset.


If you want more information about our troop or have questions for us, please click Contact Us.  

Welcome to Troop 186's web site!!! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted on Nov 27 2024 - 11:43pm

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!


Save the date for the Holiday Party with Troop 186!
When: Wednesday December 18th, 2024  (Kids will jump 5:30-7:00    Food will be served from 7:00-7:45)
Where: Flight 145 Spencer Street, Manchester CT
Cost: $31 per person not affiliated with the troop (siblings/parents) 
          $21 for scouts (Thank you to the troop for offsetting the cost with a donation of $10 for each scout.)
Payment: Venmo Kari Smith @KariSmith13 or cash at Wednesday Troop Meetings 
(Last 4 digits 7417- Please include your child's name and/or siblings name in the subject line as Flight requires a list of jumpers in attendance) 
Pizza (cheese, pepperoni, and veggie) along with french fries and drinks (lemonade and Sprite) will be served.  For a small additional fee, Flight is allowing us to also bring in outside food.  (Be on the lookout for a signup genius for desserts, salad, fruit tray, drinks, and/or chips the beginning of December.)
All jumpers must complete an online waiver prior to jumping at: Manchester Waiver - New Guest
Looking forward to a fun night together!  

Scout Meeting on Sunday

Posted on Nov 20 2024 - 10:45pm

We had a successful lashing learning and competition tonight at our Troop Meeting.

There will be a Committee Meeting on 11/21 at 7PM at the Avery Street Church.

We will have another Outdoor Sunday Troop meeting on 11/24 instead of our usual Wed 11/27.     Lawrence Road Park from 3PM - 4:15PM this Sunday 11/25.

No Troop Meeting next Wednesday.   Happy Thanksgiving!

We announced a WolfPack Hockey game and added it to our calendar for 12/7.   See the flyer that went out via email.  The deadline is Monday at 5PM to signup so we can sit together.   It is a family event and not a drop off.       Don't miss this one!   This link guarantees that we’re all sitting together. Please use the link to purchase.  fevo-enterprise.com

We're planning a hike for 12/15.     Look for a signup genius, and let us know if you want to hike Sunday morning or afternoon.

Our Holiday party will be at Flight trampoline park on 12/18.    Stay tuned for more details.

For Scouts interested in reviewing their incomplete merit badges, check out this list: rmd.me/Lv.urJIpphT

A successful Scouting for Food operation on Saturday

Posted on Nov 20 2024 - 10:36pm

Thanks for everyone’s support for Scouting for Food!     Don’t forget to log your volunteer hours in the back of your Scout book.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Stephen Lewis <swlewis@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Scouting for Food - Another Successful Year
Date: November 19, 2024 at 7:53:20 AM EST
Hello South Windsor Scouters
We had a very successful Scouting for Food operation on Saturday - Thanks to all the units for their Good Turn efforts and please thank your scouts and families in your upcoming meetings.  We had a good balance of coverage at both stores and volunteers bringing the food from the stores to the food pantry. The Cub Scouts did a great job talking to customers about the effort and getting people to donate. I loved seeing the teamwork and enthusiasm from all the units. Also thanks to Jon Yeich for being the location leader all day at Geisslers and Nicole Papa for her long stint at Stop & Shop.
Andrea Cofrancesco at the SW Human Services Dept. told me that they were very low on available food at the pantry and everyone's work, and the generous donations of customers at the two stores, restocked those shelves and then some just in time.  We also collected just over $2,000 in cash donations which I delivered yesterday. Andrea was very thankful for our efforts.
A special thanks to John Zahner who has been instrumental in helping Scouting for Food the last few years. John coordinates the town's emergency services / Rotary collections and so helped with a lot of expertise and donations of needed items.  John made up Scouting for Food banners last year that we can use at three different tables each year going forward. John has donation signs and donation boxes we use with the Scouting for Food branding he created, and he made up the flyers and copies that we used to hand out to customers at the doors. He also supplied new moving boxes we could tape up and use in addition to any boxes we scrounged up. 
One last thing, we can also extend our impact by reminding our families and those we reach on social media about the opportunity to donate directly to the food pantry either with online donation through the SW Community Foundation or by delivering needed food to the pantry.  Here are the links you can share:
Donate Food - Needed Items List and Times for Drop Off
Plans for Next Year
We should plan for next year to target Saturday November 15, 2025 as our SFF date. That would put our Troop Challenge weekend on Friday - Sunday November 7-9.  Does anyone see a problem with those dates? We should lock these dates on our calendar now if we all agree.
Steve Lewis


Posted on Nov 13 2024 - 10:51pm

The Troop Challenge and Camping last weekend was a success!     Checkout a few pictures on our FaceBook page.

We had a good meeting tonight with a Merit Badge session.    Make sure you're working on those between sessions.

There are still openings for Scouting for Food this Saturday.

There will be a Committee Meeting on 11/21.

We will have another Outdoor Sunday Troop meeting on 11/24 instead of our usual Wed 11/27. 

We announced a WolfPack Hockey game and added it to our calendar for 12/7.   See the flyer that went out via email.

We're planning a hike for 12/15, and our Holiday party will be at Flight on 12/18.    Stay tuned for more details.

Hockey at the Wolfpack.

Posted on Nov 13 2024 - 10:28pm
Hi Scouts!
Join us for a fun filled night of hockey at Wolfpack! This is a family fun event, so the more the merrier! Tickets are available until Nov. 25 by 5PM. This link guarantees that we’re all sitting together. Please use the link below to purchase. 
If you have any questions, feel free to email or reach out through text (860) 912-7417. 
Kari Smith
See the email sent out for the flyer and more details.    

Scouting for Food Volunteer Signup

Posted on Nov 8 2024 - 10:56am


It’s that time of year again where we do the annual SW Scouting for Food drive to help restock our town food bank.
Please use the sign-up genius to sign up for a shift on Saturday, November 16th.
Scouts will wear their Class A uniforms, and this counts towards service hours for rank advancement.

Hope you can help pitch in!

BSA Troop # 186

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